Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Week 8 - Task 1

So I'm not sure if this is what I am going to stick with or not, but coming up with an idea for this portfolio is REALLY hard.  I don't have papers to link this too or I'm pretty much drawing a complete blank (I may do the Infomercial, who knows).  However, just running with it:  My initial idea would (surprise) be Marine Biology.  Maybe even my journey of becoming a Marine Bio major, the catalysts that pushed me towards, the final decision, etc.  I'll probably base this off another blog, since I am more familiar with Blogger, etc.  My evidence would start with my summers in Maine as a child where I developed such a love for the sea, I even have poems that I wrote for class assignments about my summers there and how much I loved being out on the water, the peace that I found.  Some of those poems would be perfect evidence.  I also have a lot of photos from those days, continuing all the way through my life.  Then I would use my sophomore research trip to the Bahamas, where I worked on Andros Island as my next piece.  This is when my love of scientific research involving the ocean really began.  Up until then I had spent most of my childhood in the lab with my mom,  but those experiments were spooling DNA from onions, strawberries, kiwis, etc.  Andros and my work there was one of the defining moments in my high school life.  I have photos from there, along with a journal that I could scan and link into my ePortfolio.  Next would be Caryn Owen's Marine Bio class at Foothill, this class is what made me change my major to Marine Biology and stick with it.  Then working at the Marine Mammal Center in Marine.  And now, after A LOT of hard work, I'll be attending UCSD and working at Scripps Institute of Oceanography to get my minor in Marine Science in the Fall.  Definitely quite a journey!  My video or audio enhancement is one that I'm not sure about, but I thought that me reading from my journal might work?  Not sure there...As far as evaluators go, my boyfriend would be one good possibility.  As a Bio major, and someone who has been by my side for a long time, he knows the amount of work and dedication I have put into achieving my goals.  For the professional evaluator, Caryn would be one option if she has time, if not my mother is a scientist so she could evaluate it as well.  The self-evaluation and reflection in this would really occur through me doing the ePortfolio.  Looking back on things, it seems as though this is what I was meant to do all along.  Also, sometimes it's easy to feel defeated and tired because of all the work we put on our shoulders as students, but looking back and seeing just how much we have achieved helps with the process and makes me feel proud of what I have overcome.  For Week 9, I think gathering all the evidence together and laying it on in the proper format would be best, along with starting my new blog site for the ePortfolio.  In Week 10, the inital compilation stage could take place.  Scanning in evidence, creating the links, putting everything into the ePortfolio, making the audio part of it.  Then in Week 11 I could solidify everything, do any retouching that I need to and have someone look over it to tell me what they think.  Then, in Week 12, it's due!! And no procrastination!

1 comment:

Scott Lankford said...

25 points. Marine bio would make a GREAT focus!